Dilbert ondervraagt economen

Naast de bij vlagen briljante Dilbert-strip, maakt Scott Adams ook deze weblog . Zo af en toe schrijft hij daar verrassend zinnige dingen over economen en economie, zie bijvoorbeeld ons link-archief, of deze post.

In deze bijdrage merkt hij op dat, om een verantwoorde keuze te maken bij de aanstaande presidentsverkiezingen, je op z’n minst moet weten wie de beste economische plannen heeft. De beste manier om daar achter te komen is door economen te ondervragen. Persoonlijk nam ik deze aankondiging van een grootschalige enquete niet echt serieus, tot ik gisteren onderstaande e-mail kreeg, wegens lidmaatschap van de American Economic Association.

Helaas kan ik u niet vertellen wat er allemaal precies gevraagd wordt. Toen ik opbiechtte dat ik geen Amerikaan ben, werd ik er meteen uitgegooid.

I’m Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip. I’m sponsoring a survey among members of the American Economic Association (AEA) to find out what economists think of the various plans proposed by the Presidential candidates this year. Because you expressed interest in receiving surveys of economists, I am asking for your opinion.

According to most polls, the biggest issue for voters this year is the economy. Amazingly, voters have no idea what the majority of economists think about either candidate’s plans. Without that information, citizens might as well vote for the guy with the best haircut. The process borders on random.

In a perfect world, the media would supply useful information to voters so we could make informed choices. Clearly that isn’t going to happen. Rather than gripe about it (my go-to strategy in these situations), I decided to put my money where your mouth is and find out what the experts think.

This survey is being managed by The OSR Group, a respected national polling and marketing research organization. The survey will take about 15 minutes of your time. To begin, simply click on the link below.

I want to stress that the survey will be completely confidential. None of the information you provide will be connected to your name. Your responses will be used only in combination with those of other AEA members who are participating in this survey.

Thanks in advance for your help. I hope you will be willing to share your views. Now please click on the link below to begin the survey.


Scott Adams

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